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interface Deno.InspectOptions

Option which can be specified when performing Deno.inspect.


colors: boolean = false

Stylize output with ANSI colors.

compact: boolean = true

Try to fit more than one entry of a collection on the same line.

depth: number = 4

Traversal depth for nested objects.

breakLength: number = 80

The maximum length for an inspection to take up a single line.

escapeSequences: boolean = true

Whether or not to escape sequences.

iterableLimit: number = 100

The maximum number of iterable entries to print.

showProxy: boolean = false

Show a Proxy's target and handler.

sorted: boolean = false

Sort Object, Set and Map entries by key.

trailingComma: boolean = false

Add a trailing comma for multiline collections.

getters: boolean = false

Evaluate the result of calling getters.

showHidden: boolean = false

Show an object's non-enumerable properties.

strAbbreviateSize: number

The maximum length of a string before it is truncated with an ellipsis.