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interface Cookie


name: string

Name of the cookie.

value: string

Value of the cookie.

expires: Date | number

The cookie's Expires attribute, either as an explicit date or UTC milliseconds.

maxAge: number

The cookie's Max-Age attribute, in seconds. Must be a non-negative integer. A cookie with a maxAge of 0 expires immediately.

domain: string

The cookie's Domain attribute. Specifies those hosts to which the cookie will be sent.

path: string

The cookie's Path attribute. A cookie with a path will only be included in the Cookie request header if the requested URL matches that path.

secure: boolean

The cookie's Secure attribute. If true, the cookie will only be included in the Cookie request header if the connection uses SSL and HTTPS.

httpOnly: boolean

The cookie's HTTPOnly attribute. If true, the cookie cannot be accessed via JavaScript.

sameSite: "Strict" | "Lax" | "None"

Allows servers to assert that a cookie ought not to be sent along with cross-site requests.

unparsed: string[]

Additional key value pairs with the form "key=value"